Divine Love heals pet

My daughter called one day and asked me to pray for her cat, Snuggles. She explained that she had taken the cat to a veterinary clinic for required annual shots the week before, and tests indicated that the cat had bladder stones and a urinary tract infection. Medicine was prescribed for the infection, and my daughter began giving it to Snuggles, only to stop after two days because it appeared to make the cat very sick. 

I had been studying the chapter titled “Genesis” in Mary Baker Eddy’s book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This chapter presents a spiritual interpretation of the creation accounts in the first book of the Bible. Mrs. Eddy writes, “The intelligent individual idea, be it male or female, rising from the lesser to the greater, unfolds the infinitude of Love” (p. 508). Later in the chapter, she states, “God gives the lesser idea of Himself for a link to the greater, and in return, the higher always protects the lower” (p. 518). 

As I studied this chapter, I began to see God’s creation as described in Genesis 1: a glorious unfolding of divine Love, each day expressing its own splendor and purpose. I understood more clearly the link mentioned in that last quote as a spiritual component of man as “the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God’s image and likeness” (Science and Health, p. 475).

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Testimony of Healing
Hereditary condition reversed
February 10, 2025

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