Letters & Conversations

> Madora Kibbe, “Where do we place our trust?Sentinel, August 12, 2024

I found this article so relevant to handling fears that come up. What gives me courage is the fact that, as the author wrote, “trusting God’s infinite power is . . . acknowledging the divine law of Love as absolute fact.” 

Thanks for all the inspiring Christian Science publications. The audio is especially welcomed and easy to share. I often listen on my daily walk. I shared the audio of an article with a friend who had just lost a loved one. She thanked me and said it was just what she needed.  

DeEtta Greenwalt, Pacific Grove, California, US

> Christy Ellington Henderson, “You are precious in God’s sight,Sentinel, August 5, 2024

What a beautiful, kind article. It’s what we all need. 

Yvette Gardner, Lennox Head, New South Wales, Australia

> Loved it!

The July 8, 2024, Sentinel was wonderful. I loved every single article in it and read it over and over again before passing it along to a friend. Kudos to every writer. 

Toni Alexander, Madison, Ohio, US

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

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September 16, 2024

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