Healings during law school

During my early youth and teens, I was ill many times with various diseases. Bronchitis, in particular, kept recurring throughout my teen years. Pharmaceutical drugs brought no relief. The summer after my freshman year in college, a physician recommended that I have my tonsils removed, saying that the procedure would free me from bouts of bronchitis. I underwent the operation, only to find that I suffered from bronchitis more frequently than before, and just as severely. At this point, I quit going to doctors. They were fine people who did their conscientious best to help me, but their treatments just weren’t making me well. 

A few months after graduating from college, I began to attend law school at a university that had a Christian Science college organization (CSO). Having by then been introduced to Christian Science by a friend, I attended the CSO’s weekly meetings. The campus counselor for the CSO was a Christian Science practitioner. Long story short: One day, when the symptoms of bronchitis were particularly aggressive, the counselor asked me if I would like him to pray for me. I humbly accepted his offer, and in just a moment or two, all the symptoms simply vanished. I had a complete healing of that chronic condition. (See my testimony in the October 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal.)

About a year after this healing, I began suffering from a disease that was endemic to the part of the country to which I had moved. I prayed to God for healing but also reduced my food intake in accord with the theory of the time that one should eat less when experiencing a fever. 

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Testimony of Healing
Freedom found during church service
June 3, 2024

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