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When called to do so, we too can perform duties that limit our sleep “without harm” to ourselves—whether completing a deadlined project, or responding to an urgent request for healing prayer. This isn’t about powering through on the promised adrenalin of human will, but about letting that communing with God open our thoughts to a profound peace that’s always inherent in us as God’s offspring.
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Sleeping well

Prayer has led me to not be preoccupied with screens or email when I go to bed but to cherish that time as quiet time with God, a time for listening for thoughts from God.
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I aspire to prove that a spiritual, prayer-based effort offers the surest protection because it addresses the essential problem: the belief that matter and material laws rule our lives. Each proof that life is governed by Spirit, not human beliefs about contagion, is a step toward finding the way out of the limits and destructive nature of the belief of life in matter. 
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How I Found Christian Science

My search for truth

By the end of that Sunday service, I knew I had come to the end of my search. I had found the truth!
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
She should have been looking forward to the state soccer tournament, but instead this high school senior felt disappointed: She’d hurt her ankle, and her coach had given his own daughter a coveted spot on the roster. What propelled her forward in spite of these setbacks? Read on to find out.
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Image and Inspiration
This week’s photographic inspiration and related text.
Testimony of Healing
The fear began to fade, and my prayers gained strength and momentum. My trust in God’s constant, tender care reassured me that nothing could harm me. 
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Testimony of Healing
I thought of Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of “the proof of healing” as “a sweet and certain sense that God is Love” (Science and Health, p. 569). I really felt that sweet and certain sense of the presence of Love with me. 
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Testimony of Healing
I returned on the second day at the base hospital to complete the reserve weekend, where my doctor friends were incredulous. We spent the day talking about Christian Science and how prayer heals.
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Bible Lens


Eternal life is the natural result of observing God’s law.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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