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Answers that fully satisfy and deeply bless
When I was in middle school, I began asking deeper and deeper questions about God. I had been given a Bible, which I revered greatly, but I didn’t really understand it, although I loved the psalms and parts of Isaiah.
Every evening when I was a young child, my mom would recite the Lord’s Prayer and a little poem I later discovered had been written by Mary Baker Eddy called “Mother’s New Year Gift to the Little Children” (see Poems, p. 69). I loved this, but otherwise I was left to seek answers on my own; I knew nothing about Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, or the church she established. I asked my mom to take me to various churches, where I would ask questions about God of anyone who would answer. Yet there was never a response that made complete sense to me.
During this time, I began playing the violin, and I loved it so much that I went to a summer music camp. At this camp we lived in cabins, and one of my cabin mates became a friend, who one day said something about a religion I knew nothing about. She told me that when she was born, it appeared that she had been stillborn, but her parents had prayed and she had lived. She also shared that she had been healed of eyesight difficulties without medical treatment. She explained that these healings had come about because of the ideas in a book called Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
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July 23, 2018 &
July 30, 2018
double issue
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From the readers
Margery Baston, Betsie Tegtmeyer
It’s never too late to experience healing
Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche
The angel at the airport
Fotios Dardamanis
Drop resentment—and be ready for progress
Erin O’Kelly Bourcier
Security that’s better than a password
Kim Shippey
Answers that fully satisfy and deeply bless
Anne Dixon
Exactly the right idea
Jessica Mueller
Calf injury healed
Eric Bashor
Poor vision corrected
Carol Coykendall Raner
Jaw pain gone
Harriet Maloney
'As the physical and material ...'
Photograph by Peter Anderson
Reacting to headlines?
Russ Gerber