‘Perfect and bump-free!’

It was summertime when my foot started hurting. I showed my mommy the part of my foot that didn’t feel good. There was a black spot. I like to play outdoors without shoes, so Mommy thought I stepped on something. She cleaned the spot and gave me a kiss, and I felt better. 

But my foot kept hurting, and there was something growing where the black spot had been. It was hard for me to play soccer and wear my favorite shoes. Someone told me it was a wart and more would grow on my foot. That scared me. I wanted this bump to go away. I wanted a healing!

My mommy said she would help me. She said the first thing we could do was know that this bump was not a part of me. She said there’s not a spot where God is not! God is everywhere, so there is no place for a silly bump. She also said we would not give it a name. So if I said “my bump” or “this wart,” we quickly corrected the sentence. It wasn’t mine because it wasn’t anything! I wasn’t as scared when I knew it wasn’t part of me.

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