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A trip to remember
I had been looking forward to this trip for months. I was on a glorious flight to South Africa—one of my favorite places in the world—to see my extended family and do service work for a not-for-profit organization that takes high school students to South Africa to do sustainable community service. I couldn’t wait to buckle up and take off! I love long flights and always take advantage of the opportunity to watch movies, read, listen to music, and sleep.
Unfortunately, I landed in South Africa with cold symptoms and pretty bad jet lag. I almost felt selfish to be feeling this unwell because instead of spending my first day enjoying the beautiful country with my grandma, all I could think about was how terrible I felt.
My initial thought was: “Go to bed. You just need to sleep it off.” So I did. Giving up a few precious hours I could have spent with the cousins I see only once a year, I slept. But when I woke up, I didn’t feel better at all. My grandma, a longtime Christian Scientist, Sunday School teacher, and Christian Science practitioner, came into my room to see how I was doing. I told her I didn’t want the way I was feeling to ruin my trip.
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September 4, 2017 issue
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From the readers
Thomas Turner, Dave Churchill, Betty Jean Kistler
When I write, why do I need to be edited?
Kim Crooks Korinek
Love your neighbor? It can take courage!
David Clark Scott
Pray as if you mean it
Ginger Emden
Purity—the cornerstone of spiritual building
Laura BonneCarrere
Let’s welcome God’s healing messages
Judith Hardy Olson
My life changed for the better
Laurie Haas
A trip to remember
Tegan Dry
Persistent prayer brings healing of glaucoma
Lona Ingwerson
God’s tender care dissolves a fever
Elisabeth Anetta Schwartz with contributions from Emily Schwartz
Healed of back pain
Celeste Marble
Lost items recovered through prayer
Norm Bleichman
Welcoming the children
Robert Tokheim
Refuse to hate—yield to Love
Kim Crooks Korinek