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Released from burden of painful memories
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12). This verse from the Bible, the Fifth Commandment, troubled me for many years, even after my parents passed away.
Dad worked an hour away and would drive home from a long day’s work of welding or work as a barber and take my sister and me to school activities or take the whole family to see a movie. He was a good provider and a faithful husband to my dear mother. We lived on a small farm that he worked hard to maintain. And yet, when my sister and I were young, our dad had an uncontrollable temper; he would punish us severely with a stick or strap and my mother would never intervene.
I loved my parents, but this dark cloud of painful memories was always in the back of my mind, even after I was married with children of my own.
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December 11, 2017 issue
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From the readers
Linda Copley, Gerald Arnold
Busy and stressed, or active and joyous?
Dave Oakes
Dishwashing inspiration
Louise Thornton
Every detail—governed by God
Katherine Hieronymus
No burden can affix itself to us: We are freeborn
Susanne van Eyl
To ‘lie down in green pastures’
Mark Swinney
‘My skin was smooth and clear’
Amy Richmond
Can Christian Science solve my problems?
Jenny Sawyer
Released from burden of painful memories
Joan Christine Travis
Freedom of movement restored
Christian Robin Vincent
Quick healing after a fall
Jon Lang
God’s will
Grace H. Carter