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‘Even there …’
When we hear through the media of various disasters, I find much comfort in the Psalmist’s assurance “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me” (Psalms 139:9, 10). We can prayerfully affirm on behalf of all those affected by such untoward events that God’s right hand, His omnipotence and omnipresence, is “even there,” right where the disturbing accidents or other adverse incidents appear to be. Despite the evidence of the material senses, God’s love is enfolding, caring for, and upholding all of His ideas in the undisturbed continuity of good.
Mary Baker Eddy writes, “This is the Father’s great Love that He hath bestowed upon us, and it holds man in endless Life and one eternal round of harmonious being” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 77). Even when it seems that life has been lost, God is still maintaining the spiritual individuality and continuity of each of His ideas, because the man of God’s creating is as immortal as His creator. God is not only the creator of man, He is also man’s preserver. It is a great comfort to realize the spiritual fact that no idea can be lost or absent from the divine Mind that creates and maintains all ideas in their original, perfect, harmonious state.
Whether one is on land, in the sea, or in the air, God is there. As the divine Principle underlying and overlying all that exists, God is omnipresent, filling all space; there is no place outside of God’s presence. His sovereign laws of life and love are present and operative, maintaining and sustaining every identity He has created. No individuals can ever be outside the ever-present divine Love that continuously knows every idea. God’s knowing, His forever cognizance of the perfection of all that He creates, is what preserves the immortality and integrity of every idea in the universe. Not only do these spiritual facts comfort us, but the assurance of their truth can also heal the sorrow and grief that misfortunes can produce.
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June 29, 2015 issue
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S T H, Marie in Florida, Linda B in STL, Jill Rees-Robson
Release from anger
Nancy Atkins
‘The world has need of you’
Lynn G. Jackson
The Beatitudes: a guide to Christian practice
Caryl Emra Farkas
‘Even there …’
Dorcas Strong
The freer step, the fuller breath
Photograph by Ann Blamey
My church homecoming
Kim Wiklund
I prayed for my brother
By Blake, second grade, Utah
Prayer for a newborn
Alexandra Salomon Ziesler
An end to severe menstrual cramps
Bonnie Tchuileng
Freed from back pain
Caroline Martin, Michael Munson
Is it all in your thinking?
Milton Simon
Building with divine energy
Margaret Rogers