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Identity grounded in Soul
For the lesson titled "Soul and Body" from November 14–20, 2011
A biblical command from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is the clarion call of this contemporary Lesson topic, “Soul and Body”: “Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (I Cor. 6: 20, Golden Text).
Preoccupation with the body—“Is it healthy, cold, hot, comfortable, thin, pretty, or handsome enough?”—can be a most mesmeric internal conversation today. Yet this Lesson, from its launch, sets up an alternative to consider and pursue: Soul, God, as the basis of identity, and the spiritual richness that includes.
The Responsive Reading discloses a first step in our Soul journey away from fixation on the physical body as the whole of identity: Glorify God. Glory, from the Greek root doxa, in its verb form means to honor and praise. Its Hebrew roots are tied to how the Israelites believed Yahweh to reveal Himself, through light—thus the New Testament meaning of the noun as a divine, heavenly radiance and splendor. These meanings are at the heart of its many uses in John 17, Jesus’ longest prayer in the Gospels. Facing his most difficult hours, Jesus prays first for himself (verses 1–5) and then for his disciples (verses 6–10). What direction the master Christian provides us today! “Now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I shared with you before the world was created” (verse 5, Common English Bible).
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November 14, 2011 issue
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Heidi K. Van Patten, Sonia Cousin, Frederick R. Andresen
An answer of peace
Kim Shippey, Senior Writer
Strong religious foundation— a protection against radicalism
Russell Razzaque
Prayer—a game-changer in times of conflict
By Josh Niles
My prayer in Pakistan
By Khorshed Langrana
Safe in combat
By Herb Waeckerle
Sky-high prayer
By William R. Battle III
Expectancy and comfort
Lois Carlson
A spiritual model to guide government
By Ron Ballard
Spiritual alertness on a trip abroad
By Lauren Wienecke
Three great challenges in the next decade
By Kim Shippey, Senior Editor
To master the challenge
By Elaine Lang
Healing services
By Patti Thorson Paul
It began with one idea
Danielle Ekizian
To defeat evil intentions
Shelly Richardson
Identity grounded in Soul
By Madelon Maupin
An angel message heals
Dorothy “Peg” Hichens
Protected during wartime
Edward Miller
Healing of painful, swollen foot
Maria da Graça Curado Ribeiro
Keep expecting good
The Editors