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(Again) . . . What is a Christian Science practitioner?
We were , quite frankly, impressed with the response to our first issue devoted to answering that question (August 30, 2004). Readers wrote to say that what they found in it was encouraging, inspiring, even healing. That it answered questions they'd always had. Would have had. Never knew they had. Even as we worked on the first issue, we realized that, far from having exhausted the topic, we'd just scratched the surface. And so, people in our offices were heard to remark, "Let's do it again."
Not that it should have been surprising. At the heart of Christian Science healing practice is the great reward of healing—in all of its facets—and healing has never been any more vital a topic than it is today. In one way or another, everybody is in search of healing.
Who better to advance the cause of healing than a person who is "benevolent, forgiving, long suffering, and seeks to overcome evil with good"? That's the implicit job description of a Christian Science practitioner, as stated in one By-Law in Mary Baker Eddy's Manual of The Mother Church relative to "Practitioners and Patients" (pp. 46-47). Like leaves turning toward the light, people everywhere are drawn to those who shine with wonderful spiritual qualities that foster healing, such as love, benevolence, and forgiveness. And to those with perhaps the noblest of all intentions—to conquer the temptation of evil wherever it may appear:
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November 8, 2004 issue
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with contributions from Brenda DePersico, Thomas G. Young, Melissa Hadaway, Carol Bonderud, Jean Lewis, Delores Baughman
with contributions from Carmille C. Spenser, Karen Muller, Frances Grandy Taylor, Lindsey Keith
By Kim Shippey
Care for the whole family
By Margit Mellgren
Freedom, at last
By Kenneth Girard
She really listened to me
By Ivanka Bates-Schotness
A journey to find God
By Henok Eshetu
'I was certain I would be healed'
Edwige Annette Vuille
Prayer is good medicine
Sylvia Herczeg
Pillar of fire