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Ask God
ALONG WITH SUMMER'S END has come for many of us the shift into a higher gear of activity. The focus is on "getting back down to business." This resumption of work and hectic schedules can be a burden. But as I recently found—and as this issue explains—such changes can really be marked by vigor and renewal. With help from above.
In the final days of summer, my husband and I dedicated a week's vacation to tackling a long-neglected erosion problem on our property. The cost estimates of building a 45-foot-wide retaining wall were so high that we decided to do it ourselves. We ordered the needed 12 tons of stone and gravel, but the delivery truck couldn't dump right where we needed the supplies. Fortunately the teenage son of a friend was available to help move them the rest of the way.
After a very full week at work, I stood at the bathroom sink brushing my teeth that first Friday night ... just exhausted. I did thank God for that 17-year-old kid. But the thought of starting the project was overwhelming. How would we do it? I don't lift weights at a gym. I was even afraid that one of us might injure ourselves. Silently, I asked God, "How am I ever going to have the strength to do all this?" With no quick answer back, I trudged off to bed, half mumbling, "Well, I'm going to have to ask You to give it to me."
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September 29, 2003 issue
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Ask God
Jewel Simmons
with contributions from Jean Gallaway, Flora S. Rivera, Clarice E. Low Choy, Elizabeth Sweetnam, Dorothy McGrew Hood, Carol Bonderud
Items of interest
with contributions from Swami Nikhilananda
A joy for all seasons
By Margaret Rogers
Health—out from under the weather
By J. Thomas Black
Spring thoughts from South Africa
By Sarah Jane Brokensha
A change in the atmosphere
By Sarah C. Nelson
Stoked on Spirit!
By Alexander Cook
FACING DOWN a Goliath with prayer
By Elda A. Meinhardt Tocchetto
Life in God's family
By Jan Johnston
A book that speaks in many ways
By Susie Rynerson
Emmanuel Nyakoni
Better thinking about world scarcity
By Kurt Shillinger
Prayer stops suffering from menopause
Doretha R. Simms
Chronic fear overcome, rash disappears
Piper Foster
Housing needs solved through prayer
Maria Cunha de Jesus
Disengaged. A new normal?