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To Our Readers
Prayer should be as natural to us as breathing. Holding our thought close to God, listening quietly for His direction, feeling the grace and love of our divine Father—Mother—prayer lifts us above the mundane, above empty hopes, out of the purposeless days that would try to steal away the best of life.
There's tremendous joy in prayer, and that joy only grows when we pray for others as well as ourselves. I remember the first time I asked someone specifically to pray for me. I needed healing. This wonderful Christian woman's prayers were such a blessing to me. Today, many years later, I know the blessing that she, too, must have felt from being given the privilege of praying for another of God's Children.
That's as it should be. Prayer should bless everyone it includes. Yet are there also ethics involved when we pray for someone else? And what are we actually praying for? This week's Cover Story explores these vital subjects. As contributing editor Channing Walker writes, "There is never a time or situation in which one should avoid praying. What is helpful, though, is first getting a firmer grasp on the ethics of prayer." Mr. Walker writes in depth of how to recognize God's purpose for our prayers, of seeking only His will, of following the Golden Rule.
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January 31, 2000 issue
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To Our Readers
William E. Moody
with contributions from Michéle Bryant—Cabral, Kathy Leech
items of interest
with contributions from Deborah F. Galiga, Scott Simon, A. Katherine Grieb
On the ethics of prayer
Channing Walker
Unafraid of their names
By Carol Rockhold Miller
The healing harps
Christine Jenks Herlinger
Afraid of losing someone dear?
Helga Janesch
Death's travesty
Dorothy Gordon
"Challenging Our Nation's Spirit"
By Kim Shippey
When friends pray together
Brett Ellen Keeler and Chloe Jamerson
Dear Sentinel,
with contributions from Joel Brundage, Lucille G. Hammel
Protection while driving; back pain healed
Paul E. Murray
Prayer heals injured arm and shoulder
Jane Rolleston Rueckert
Unsightly growths disappear
Charles Hanson Kaehn
Looking for a better process?
Russ Gerber