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What does God have to do with quitting smoking?
When I began my wartime service, I was not a smoker. But thinking that cigarette smoking might help me become more sociable, I began to smoke as an experiment. Instead of helping me socialize more easily, however, it made me feel that I was betraying myself by engaging in a habit that was uncharacteristic of me. And I felt that because I was being false to myself I was also being false to others. My experiment showed me that I couldn't rely on smoking in order to gain truly meaningful friendships.
I realized that abstaining from smoking didn't have to be based on self-will.
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July 5, 1999 issue
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To Our Readers
William E. Moody
with contributions from Katherine DeGrow, Clare H. Grosgebauer
items of interest
with contributions from Philip Yancey
In debt?
Edwin G. Leever
Living love
Donald R. Rippberger
Beulah M. Roegge
Divine Love is enough!
By Cheryl Godfrey Fendon
The flight
Nancy M. Kendall
Cleaning ovens, cleansing lives
By Virginia C. Van Gelderen
What does God have to do with quitting smoking?
By Ronald Gray Walker
How to overcome a fearful imagination
By Melissa Jane Hayden
More to give than just money
By Darrell D. Luce
Chris's big discovery
By Lesley E. Gort
Hillary Rader
Prayer heals severe neck pain
Diana Steinle Craun
Headache cured
Muriel Hennessy Thomas
Safety following a car accident
Marilyn DeWitt Sturino
Painless childbirth; back pain healed
Kathleen A. Mattin
Healing parent-child alienation
By Robert A. Johnson
Pursuing a more spiritual life? Don't look back
Russ Gerber