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"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by...
"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was first brought to me by a friend, at a time when I was in great distress, as my husband was seriously ill. It would take too long to tell of all the benefits received in our home; the blessings have indeed been many. I would like to relate one particular incident, knowing it will be the means of helping others who are seeking the truth. Living at the seaside, I had taken my three children to play near some rocks. My two girls were jumping from some high rocks and all seemed very happy; but after a time the younger girl came crawling to me on her hands and knees and said, "Mother, I cannot walk; I've hurt my back in jumping." It seemed all too true and she was in great pain. I sat on the sand beside her and sent for my husband, who came at once. We got a motor car and lifted the little girl in, and on our arrival at the house got a friend to telephone for a Christian Science practitioner, who arrived as soon as he could possibly get there. The child was paralyzed from her neck to her feet, and could not even lift her head to drink from a feeding cup, and I had to feed her with a spoon. A doctor who knew all the particulars said that she would be on her back for years, if not for the rest of her life. With the help of a practitioner we worked steadily on in Christian Science, and the third day saw great progress. At the end of the first week she was able, with assistance, to walk downstairs. At the end of the fourth week she was playing about again with other children, and in quite a short time, comparatively speaking, she was well and strong again.
We could never express our gratitude to the practitioner for the ever ready, loving help received, and we shall never forget what we owe to Mrs. Eddy. Christian Science has been the means of making us all happier than we ever were before; our only regret is that we did not know of it sooner. Still, we are not going to look back but forward and Godward, knowing that as we progress in the understanding of the truth our joys will be multiplied.—(Mrs.) Claire Short, Minzenberg, Cape Province, South Africa.
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January 7, 1922 issue
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"The right understanding of Him"
Props versus Principle
"In thy presence is fulness of joy"
The New Testament and Logic
Frederick Dixon
"The whole earth is at rest"
Gustavus S. Paine
with contributions from Barrow, James W. Hall
Desire is prayer, and God answers our prayers in due...
H. H. Siemers
So deep is my gratitude, as a result of the study and...
Olive C. Bennett
About ten years ago I took up the study of Christian Science...
John Tanner with contributions from Ellen Kindred
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Welldon, Henry Ford, Maurice Hewlett