has been written and probably even more has been said on the subject of happiness; but until it is realized that happiness is a spiritual quality, wholly independent of material circumstances or conditions, it is entirely without foundation, like the house of the foolish man, which was built upon the sand.
"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was first brought to me by a friend, at a time when I was in great distress, as my husband was seriously ill.
So deep is my gratitude, as a result of the study and application of the truth as taught in Christian Science, that I take advantage of the privilege granted us to give testimony, which I trust will be the means of leading some one else to see the beauty of this saving truth.
About ten years ago I took up the study of Christian Science for healing and found that it was all and more than was claimed for it, as I also received a great spiritual uplift.
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