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Props versus Principle
ON page vii of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." What a sermon, guide, promise, and rule of life we find in these few words. The premise must be obeyed in order that the conclusion may be possible. The human propensity is to lean, and what a failure have been the temporary props. The ties of the flesh have proved, one by one, insufficient and disappointing. Infidelity, inefficiency, selfishness, personal domination, and the like, lead to the sharp experiences to which Mrs. Eddy refers on page 322 of Science and Health, where she says, "The sharp experiences of belief in the supposititious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love." One may have worldly success, glory, fame, wealth, "the cares of this world," but, like the story of the rich young man, these props do not satisfy, and there is the question, "What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" When the young ruler was told to sell all he had and give to the poor he was filled with fear and sorrow. His fear of lack proved that matter seemed substance to him and therefore something he was leaning on. He had yet to learn that God, Spirit, is all-sufficient; yet to build his house upon the rock, Christ, the divine idea of Principle.
It is a good healing process to honestly ask one's self: "What are my props; what am I leaning on? Am I leaning on Principle or personality, Spirit or matter? Do I believe that matter can give or take; like Esau, am I selling my birthright for a mess of pottage? Have I a belief that certain kinds of weather, climate, or temperature give or take? Do I believe in power apart from God? Do I believe that some person, place, or thing is necessary for my success, prosperity, or happiness? Have I a problem of health, happiness, business, church, or home? Do I honestly expect to solve that problem by an understanding of God's allness, or does some material or personal prop present itself as a solution?"
Jesus proved God to be his All-in-all; he was wholly sustained by divine Principle. Those who were nearest and dearest, humanly speaking, betrayed, denied, and forsook him; but, like the house on the rock, he was unmoved from his purpose for he was "leaning on the sustaining infinite." One could never imagine Jesus as having a personal, temporal, or material prop. He loved humanity; he labored to redeem humanity; but he never leaned on humanity. He leaned on Principle as His All. His mission was to heal and to save; his duty was to fulfill his mission. How the people received his high and holy purpose was of small import beside the great privilege of being obedient to Principle.
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January 7, 1922 issue
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"The right understanding of Him"
Props versus Principle
"In thy presence is fulness of joy"
The New Testament and Logic
Frederick Dixon
"The whole earth is at rest"
Gustavus S. Paine
with contributions from Barrow, James W. Hall
Desire is prayer, and God answers our prayers in due...
H. H. Siemers
So deep is my gratitude, as a result of the study and...
Olive C. Bennett
About ten years ago I took up the study of Christian Science...
John Tanner with contributions from Ellen Kindred
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Welldon, Henry Ford, Maurice Hewlett