true idea of will is defined in the Glossary of the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
the lives of Christian Scientists all over the world there is a great wealth of spiritual treasure laid up, which should be earning interest through the medium of our valuable periodicals.
It is many years since I became interested in Christian Science and I realize that it is time that I attempted to acknowledge some of the benefits that have come to me as the result of some little understanding of the truth of being which was gained gradually as I studied the inspired writings of Mary Baker Eddy.
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude to God for all the blessings I have received through Christian Science that I offer my testimony, hoping it may be as helpful to some one else as the testimonies of others have been to me.
I feel that the time has come for me to add my paean of praise to swell the mighty chorus of gratitude that has spontaneously burst from the hearts of men and is rising heavenward in one grand song of thanksgiving to God for the greatest blessing that has ever come to mankind,—Christian Science.
For a number of years I had an earnest desire for some way to study the Bible whereby I might understand the Christianity that Jesus taught and lived and find a religion that was practical and certain in its results and not hazy and theoretical as the denominational religion seemed to be.
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