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Supply Unlimited
A great deal has been said along the line of supply, as this is a question which intimately concerns each individual and seems to be involving the time and energies of mankind in general. Christian Science reintroduces and reenforces the basic laws of being in the working out of this problem. Its pure rays of Truth must go on piercing the mists of mortal thinking, chasing away the shadows of the supposed law of limitation which casts its blighting sense over mankind, and revealing to us the real source of supply, the true nature and elements of substance. Christian Science is the Comforter promised by the master Metaphysician, that will lead us into all truth concerning this and every other question, and it points us again to Jesus' exposition of the power, willingness, and unfailingness of divine Love to supply all human needs. Human sense has as yet only glimpsed through Christian Science the shining shores of that perfect stream of infinite supply which is flowing from God to man, clearly, tranquilly, irresistibly filling all space.
The false beliefs of fear and discord are no part of the real man made in God's image and likeness. God is infinite good, infinite intelligence, all-power, the infinite substance and source of supply, the infinitely loving Father-Mother, and man, His highest idea, "represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance," as we read on page 259 of Science and Health. God gave man dominion over all the earth, and man lives in our Father's house of many mansions, in which his environment, condition, and circumstances are perfect and harmonious. He is forever sustained and maintained in this perfect state, and it is only the hallucination of mortal sense, a delusion of the belief in a power or existence apart from God, which would argue any other condition for man.
In reality all men share and share alike in the showers of blessings which proceed from infinite good, and all share abundantly, being completely endowed with means to settle every honest obligation, to supply every need, and to be "thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Mrs. Eddy tells us (Science and Health, p. 427) that "immortal Mind, governing all, must be acknowledged as supreme in the physical realm, so-called, as well as in the spiritual," and so we find that this Mind governs even our human affairs. In the wonder of this great truth we lose all thought of waiting for future deliverance from the weight of human responsibility in getting a living, and we find our heritage as God's children here and now.
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November 11, 1916 issue
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Rendering unto God
Supply Unlimited
Overcoming a Bad Habit
The Fourth Commandment
Plus and Minus
The letter from a Congregational minister which was...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The fact that the Christian Science movement is a world...
B. W. Oppenheim
In the Examiner there appeared extracts from an address,...
Henry A. Teasdel
Christian Science teaches, in agreement with the statement...
F. Elmo Robinson
"Be of good cheer"
"Knowledge is power"
Archibald McLellan
Reproving Sham Poverty
William D. McCrackan
Physical Healing
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from John C. Lathrop, Charles M. Shaw, Albert W. Varney
With a deep sense of gratitude I write this acknowledgment...
Theresa D. Lange
To say I am grateful for Christian Science and what it has...
Nannie Cornelia Sterling
Previous to my coming to Christian Science I had been in...
Lottie L. Hart
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from A. Eugene Bartlett, Ame Vennema, Edward D. Gaylord