A great
deal has been said along the line of supply, as this is a question which intimately concerns each individual and seems to be involving the time and energies of mankind in general.
the writer was preparing a lesson on the fourth commandment for her Sunday school class, she paused at the phrase, "In it thou shalt not do any work," and wondered why the words "in it" were used instead of "on it.
The letter from a Congregational minister which was headed by the words "The Claims of Christian Science" in quotation marks, presented his own claims, or those of persons who think as he does, rather than the claims of Christian Science.
I have read the account of the attack made by a critic upon a religion whose adherents are quietly going about their business of doing good, and against the noble woman who founded it.
The fact that the Christian Science movement is a world wide one, drawing to itself intelligent Christian men and women and ennobling their lives, is sufficient to refute the critic's comparison of it to a stain and blight.
Christian Science teaches, in agreement with the statement of the Master, that God is Spirit, and, in agreement with the statement of John, that God is Love; that He is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
he knew the sick man's need to copeWith dark despair when all the way seems drear,The great Physician spoke these words of hope:"Be of good cheer.
Many inquiries having been made as to whether individuals and organizations are at liberty to make contributions of money to The Christian Science Benevolent Association, the Board of Directors takes this means of assuring the field that such contributions will be gladly received.
The following excerpts are from letters received by the distribution committee in England from soldiers acknowledging receipt of The Christian Science Monitor.
Nothing I can say or write could express my deep appreciation of Christian Science and the truths I have learned through the study of that wonderful book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
It was nine years from the time I first took treatment in Christian Science before I received physical freedom from periodic and severe attacks of suffering.
To say I am grateful for Christian Science and what it has done for me does not half express my thankfulness to God and my gratitude to our revered Leader, Mrs.
Deep gratitude for the many blessings which my children and myself have experienced through Christian Science induces me to send this testimony for publication.
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