Perception and Advance

The statements that God is omniscient, and yet that He is "of purer eyes than to behold evil," seem contradictory to the novice in Christian Science who still clings to the old sense of the reality of evil. The altars of such a one were erected to an unknown God whom he ignorantly worshiped. To him God still seems far away, and over and over again comes the question, If God knows no evil, how could He have sent His Son into the world to save His children from evil?

One of the first essentials in the study of Christian Science is the exercise of discernment between reality and unreality, between the true and the untrue, the error which cannot be found in the realm of Truth. We are admonished to "try the spirits whether they are of God," and taking the divine character and manifestation as the only standard of absolute good, it is necessary for him who would enter the kingdom to leave behind the old materialistic concept of God, and grow into the understanding of Him as the one all-inclusive Mind.

Herein lies the gracious boon conferred upon tired, sin-sick humanity by our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, in that it shows how to discard the old belief in a God made in the image of man, seated on a suppositional throne somewhere far off in space, whence He governs a universe which is apart from Himself. This wonderful book, so compassionate in its message, presents God to awakening human thought as the loving Father-Mother who never created evil, but who in Christ reaches out through unnumbered avenues to save from illusion of every kind, to bring men to a realization of their divine inheritance. As aspiring consciousness opens its windows to the light of Truth, there comes a better understanding of God and of His Son. The "milk of the word" is first assimilated, then its "strong meat," until the full realization of the absoluteness of good is reached, doubts vanish, and all problems are solved.

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Reason for Rejoicing
December 13, 1913

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