Limitation Overcome

Many of those who come to Christian Science for healing, soon discover that the truth does not deal with their physical ailments alone, but extends to all the phenomena of human experience. The worker in Christian Science aims to bring his patients into conscious harmony with God's law at every point, and in the ratio that this is accomplished, discords vanish one by one. In some cases they go so quickly that the healing of "mind, body, or estate" appears as one process, which it actually is, though in other cases it comes more slowly, through a growing understanding of the truth. No real progress is made, however, until the seeker after health and harmony sees the importance of doing what Christ Jesus commanded, namely, seeking "first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness," for by this means alone can the mortal sense of limitation be really overcome.

On page 129 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy makes a statement which is capable of the broadest application, when she says, "We must look deep into realism instead of accepting only the outward sense of things." She adds, "Can we gather peaches from a pine tree, or learn from discord the concord of being? Yet quite as rational are some of the leading illusions along the path which Science must tread in its reformatory mission among mortals."

When one is healed in Christian Science of a sense of illness, he becomes to some extent conscious of the fact that the kingdom of God is here and now. Like a child new-born, he must, however, become acquainted with the things of the kingdom, also its laws, which are spiritual and perfect, and he must obey these laws or he will miss the blessings which they are intended to provide. If honest with himself, he will see that he has neither understood nor obeyed these laws in the past, or he would not have had the sense of discord and limitation to contend with. If we fail to obey God's law after its demands are revealed to us, we are, as St. Paul says, "without excuse." If order is "heaven's first law," then we must apply it in all we think and do, for in this way we shall bring harmony into our own lives and bless all with whom we are associated.

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Among the Churches
December 13, 1913

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