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While at the opening service of our beautiful new...
While at the opening service of our beautiful new church, May 29, 1904, watching streams of people who entered the auditorium even after all seats were taken, memory went back over the years I have studied and endeavored to live Christian Science, and a desire came to write of my healing. In the fall of 1885 my attention was first called to the subject by an article in the daily press calling it mind cure, a fad that had come from Boston, concluding with, "Why might it not be possible that disease may be cured by mind?" Shortly after a neighbor gave me an address where treatments were given and advised a trial. At this time I was afflicted with what three doctors had called valvular heart trouble, and other minor diseases. They had warned me against being active, and the only remedy they prescribed was whiskey. They said that at best I could live only a few months longer. My husband was almost blind—one eye had been entirely destroyed by an accident, and the other had been all but useless from birth. We had a family of small children to support, with little promise of success. We seriously pondered the trying of the new method, and in January, 1886, I ventured to ask for treatment, resolved that nothing should come between me and my faith in the one true God. I was informed that this was not mind cure, but Christian Science. The interest and kindness shown one who had nothing to give in return, cleared away all my reluctance, and I had my first treatment.
The third day I wondered what this assurance of all good toward me was. The answer came with an abiding conviction: It is the re-appearance of Immanuel, God-with-us, as manifested by Jesus. My healing was slow, but complete, as an active and industrious life has proven. My husband has also had treatment, and his sight has improved sufficiently for him to earn a living for his family. Christian Science has proved a preventive of disease; our children grew up into manhood and womanhood, healthy and happy.
Many proofs of God's loving care have come to me and brought spiritual uplifting, and when eighteen months ago a great sorrow fell upon me, all was overcome by the blessed understanding gained in this Science. I could truthfully say to one who had bitterly condemned Christian Science, "I am grateful for it, thankful for the knowledge that there is no death, for the church and its associations, and the spiritual help in time of need." I could also comprehend in a measure the significance of the stand taken by our loved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, in giving to the world "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and what this means to us all. Mrs. Katherine Bigler, Denver, Col.
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June 24, 1905 issue
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"Prepare to meet thy God."
Escape from Delusion
The Wednesday Evening Meeting
L. E. D.
The "Secret of Christian Science."
H. Cornell Wilson
The Optimism of Christian Science
Alfred Farlow
There seems no just reason why the term Science may...
David B. Ogden
The great Master while on earth may have foreseen the...
Richard P. Verrall
In one place in his sermon the preacher [whose remarks...
Clarence A. Buskirk with contributions from Schiller
The Lectures
with contributions from W. E. Archer, J. J. Eckford
Another Point of View
Archibald McLellan
The Ideal Ministry
John B. Willis
Scientific Accuracy
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Elizabeth C. Wickersham, Elizabeth Heisner, Anna Thilo
I would like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Maude M. Departee
We often hear the expression, "Is life worth living?"...
Alma Duttar with contributions from Mamie Mouser
While at the opening service of our beautiful new...
Katherine Bigler
It is now almost two years since I was healed through...
Maude Anderson
I first heard of Christian Science about three years ago,...
R. McV. Stewart
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Jenkin Lloyd Jones
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase