The Borton Herald, in a timely editorial conserning President Roosevelt and his appeal to the warring nations, and touching incidentally upon the cry for a larger navy, says,—
common acceptation of the Scriptural injunction, "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel," which is found in the fourth chapter of Amos, is crowned with anything but a halo of light.
said the other day, in speaking of Christian Science, "Our religion is exactly the same as the Christian Science religion, with the exception of the healing part.
have the promise that God will withhold no good thing "from them that walk uprightly," but it is essential that we analyze our thought and be sure that we are sincerely striving to fulfil the prescribed conditions.
One of the distinguishing features of Christian Science in the fact that therein are to be found no secrets or mysteries, as is evidenced by the breadth of its individual application to the needs of all classes, and its intelligent employment—to the exclusion of sickness and sin—by the children as well as by their fathers and mothers.
There is much comment upon the optimism, courage, and happiness of Christian Scientists, and for that reason it may be worth our while to consider the cause of these manifestations.
There seems no just reason why the term Science may not most aptly be applied to that "knowledge" which can "verify" its claim to "exact observation and correct thinking" by the visible proof of healing the sick and reforming the sinner.
The great Master while on earth may have foreseen the possibilities of future sectarian conflict, and, as if to guard against the misunderstanding of his teachings, he established a standard by which all true Christians should be measured.
Clarence A. Buskirk
with contributions from Schiller
In one place in his sermon the preacher [whose remarks are reported in the Journal] has said that drug physicians may learn some useful things from Christian Science.
to the report of the recent annual meeting of the Louisiana State Medical Society, considerable time was devoted to plans for securing restrictive legislation designed to place the healing of the sick under the exclusive control of the medical profession.
are few who question that physical science, so-called, has rendered its best service to the world in encouraging a scientific habit of thought,—in teaching the necessity for the careful examination of all evidence submitted, and in requiring accuracy of statement.
From early childhood I suffered from melancholy and extreme nervousness, also from weakness of the eyes said to be due to astigmatism in a very severe form.
While at the opening service of our beautiful new church, May 29, 1904, watching streams of people who entered the auditorium even after all seats were taken, memory went back over the years I have studied and endeavored to live Christian Science, and a desire came to write of my healing.
It is now almost two years since I was healed through Christian Science treatment, and I feel it a pleasure to give this testimony for all the blessings I have received.
We have no sympathy with that sort of speculation which suggests that this penitent malefactor may after all have been a decent sort of fellow, and only incidentally a victim of the law.
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