The differences between the United States and Panama, which made necessary the visit of Secretary of War Taft to the Isthmus, have been settled by the issuance of an executive order signed by Secretary Taft for President Roosevelt and assented to in a letter by President Amador of Panama.
religious instinct of our Puritan ancestors is preserved in more or less of its original form on those occasions when by state proclamation we abstain from labor and give ourselves over to fasting or feasting and prayer.
Electrical Review, one of the leading electrical papers, in the issue of March 12, 1904, contained an article entitled, "The Present Condition of Radioactive Science," which deals with the much-talked-of discovery of radium.
last Sentinel and Journal have just been read and thoughts from the many beautiful articles remain as sweet, hallowed, and helpful memories attuning consciousness to things divine.
way that He willeth in love for me,That is the way for me!And I do not care how thorny and bareThe journey may seem to be,If only afar, on the mountain-side,In the light of the sun, I may seeThe shining garments and beckoning handOf the Guide He has sent to me.
In the teachings of Christian Science as to the unreality of all material existence and its diseases, it uses the word unreal in the sense of knowing that God is not the author of anything but the good and harmonious, and that His works are as perfect and immortal as Himself.
Jesus was asked whether he was the Christ, "he that should come," he answered, "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
A Clever
critic of western civilization, who writes under the caption, "Letters from a Chinese Official," hews close to the line when he says that instead of thinking of the quality of the life lived, we are ever thinking of the means of living.
I desire to voice the thanks with which my heart has been filled ever since the truth came into my consciousness, which it did with such clean-cut, logical reasoning, that after my first reading of Science and Health of an hour or more, I arose, knowing that I should have no more use for my small library of medical books, and my several cases of homœopathic remedies, of which I had made such diligent use that among my friends I had gained the title of doctor.
Having derived much benefit from reading the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal, I am moved to add my own in the hope that it will help some one who may perhaps be in a similar condition to that in which I was eight years ago.
Through my too great self-reliance and the belief that nothing could fail with me, I gave up a very good position in order to become independent, but my venture turned out very differently from what I had expected; it proved a failure and I suffered heavy losses.
When I heard of Christian Science about three years ago, I did not know what it was, but I was willing to try anything, for I had outgrown all belief in medicine.
If we have received just the faintest glimpse of what divine Love is and what it can do for us, ought we not to give thanks for that, and not be tempted to withhold any good thing, no matter how small it may seem to mortal sense?
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