Hoar, in his address at the opening of the Unitarian Conference in Saratoga, called attention to the remarkable unanimity of the recognition of President MeKinley's character and habit as representative of the true Christian life.
hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee," which President McKinley made famous in his dying moments, and which was sung at funeral services the world over on September 19, has an interesting history.
, the Persian, in splendor rareDwelt in Shiraz, in a palace fair;In old Shiraz, on limestone ledgesThat rim the sharp and curving edgesOf the Persian Gulf—the Gulf of Pearl,Whose waves like scimitars gleam and whirl.
the hidden sun touches the mountains afar,Ere the stillness of night has gone;When the silver clouds welcome the morning star,And the darkness retreats from the dawn;Then nature awakes refreshed from her sleep;The coy maiden flowers from their green beds peep;And the twittering birds, and all creatures below,And the star, and the clouds above,Are telling my soul in sweet voices and low,God is love.
as Christian Scientists have such happy surprises along the way that it is well now and then to enumerate them for our own growth and perhaps for the encouragement of others.
that remarkable sermon which Jesus delivered from the hill above Gennesaret, and which we all tenderly and reverently refer to as the Sermon on the Mount, our Master laid down for us in language terse and strong, the rules by which we could distinguish right from wrong, the real from the unreal, the good from seeming evil, and thus be equipped to detect error and armed to overcome it.
To-morrow has a gem of beauteous rayFor you, for me; but somewhere in to-dayLies precious gold, which we must seek and win,Dear friend! to set to-morrow's jewel in.
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