following incident, which is being published in the newspapers, will doubtless be read with interest, especially by the many who have supposed that Polk was one of the Presidents who served a day longer than his term.
Max Jägerhuher
with contributions from Cincinnati Enquirer
As one of the many professional men whose life experiences a complete transformation through the influence of Christian Science, I desire to send you a colleague's greeting.
seems to be a failure on the part of many of the Churches to understand one of the main purposes for which the Board of Lectureship was instituted.
the close of the regular Wednesday evening testimonial service in Christian Science Hall last evening steps were taken to perfect the formal organization of a church society, articles for which incorporation had been filed with the secretary of state on Monday.
No overcoat yet this winter, and he rides day in and day out, and of nights, too, on the platform of a local cable car! What do the ulster-loaded shiverers think of that?
commenced work this morning on the plans and estimates for the new $100,000 edifice which the Third Church of Christ, Scientist, is to build at Washington Boulevard and Leavitt Street, and the construction of it is to begin as soon as the frost is out of the ground.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Scranton, cordially invites the excellent clergymen and religious workers of our city to unite their Christian Endeavors with ours, and to labor with our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the uplifting, nay, the redemption of all men, on the following basis of Christian Science:—
Our little band recently passed through a week of steady persecution from a visiting lecturer, and our Wednesday experience meeting of that week was one of the best we have had.
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