Items of Interest

General Wood's visit to Washington has done much to elevate the Cubans in the estimation of the government. He has shown from his personal experiences that they have been very much misrepresented as to their capacity for self-government, and the remarkable success which has attended the plan so carefully developed by him of allowing the best element among the Cubans the largest opportunity to administer the affairs of their own municipalities and provinces has made a deep impression upon the official mind here.

As the province of Santiago emerged from the war in apparently worse shape than any of the others, it is regarded as entirely probable that a system which has worked so well under adverse conditions there would be quite as successful in the other provinces.

Governor-General Brooke of Cuba has been carefully considering the formation of a cabinet of civil advisers, and has decided to have four secretaries—the first of state and government, the second of finance, the third of justice and public instruction, and the fourth of agriculture, industry, commerce, and public works. Only prominent residents of the island will be invited to join the cabinet.

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January 19, 1899

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