Feeling conflicted?

Not long after college, I faced a moral dilemma. I wrestled with what to do, especially since right and wrong didn’t seem totally clear-cut. In my prayers, I was kind of waiting for God to give me “permission” to go ahead with what I felt was a good choice under the circumstances. I didn’t hear a “yes,” but I didn’t hear a “no,” either. So I went with what I felt was right.

Looking back on it, I don’t feel as though I made the best decision, and I’ve sometimes wondered why I didn’t get more of a giant red light from God. Where was the divine “No!” when I needed to hear it?

Are we willing to follow God’s direction, even if it’s unexpected?

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TeenConnect: UpFront
Feeling annoyed?
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Join the prayer challenge
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When life isn’t easy
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No time to pray?
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Just ask
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‘No one understands me’
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How to stop a suicide
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Credit where credit is due
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Can grief really be healed?
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Stay connected
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The acceptance letter
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Different is good
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“Dinner” with the enemy
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When life seems hard
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What you’ve taught me
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Feeling stressed?
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Believe it or not

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