What’s so bad about identifying yourself with a star sign?

Originally appeared online in the teen series Q&A -  January 9, 2024.

Q: I’ve been getting really into astrology, but my Sunday School teacher kind of freaked out about it. What’s so bad about identifying yourself with a sign?

A: My star sign tells me that I’m practical, reliable, and a diligent worker. But it also tells me that I’m a perfectionist, I’m stubborn, and I overthink. That’s OK, right? I have some good qualities and some bad qualities, just like everyone else. 

A lot of people think astrology is a shortcut to knowing who we are and understanding those around us. Plus, it’s fun. But I’ve found that when I feel drawn to something in order to figure out who I am, it is helpful to ask myself if it’s really something I want to trust. 

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