Counter political hostility with Love

God’s children naturally love God and all of God’s distinct, diverse expressions.

I once worked for a presidential campaign, in a role that involved in-person outreach to strangers. In this work, I found it distressing when hostility was expressed toward me about the candidate I represented. In response, I attempted to express goodwill, but more importantly, I prayed. Nearly every day, I prayed to know that I and my fellow man are the very expression of God, Love, and subject only to Love. I expected my prayers to result in more love.

When I pray, I don’t rely on the physical senses to inform me of what’s happening but on spiritual sense, which we all have. This sense comes from God, Spirit, and informs us about God’s creation, which is completely spiritual. This can be revealed to us in our present experience. Perceiving ourselves and others through spiritual sense keeps us from being afraid of or hating people of another political persuasion. It’s a material sense of things that sees another or their views as worthy of hate.

Spiritual sense assures us of the following facts:

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Image and Inspiration
Image and Inspiration
March 10, 2025

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