Facing what we fear

Have you ever noticed how the things we may least want to face turn out to be the exact things that help us grow the most? Even with the best intentions, we can sometimes find ourselves attempting to use prayer to avoid something difficult. And yet, scientifically approached prayer as described in Christian Science brings things to the surface to be dealt with and resolved. It gives us the courage to face down whatever might seem impossibly hard to deal with, so we can move forward. 

This prayer holds us to a high standard. It is much more than just wishing or hoping that something will change—or, that something which needs to change will stay the same. Prayer that yields our thinking to the divine power brings a shift in thought, transforming us and equipping us to face challenges with an absolute confidence in the all-power of good from God—infinite Spirit, Love. 

Christian Science identifies this transformative healing activity of Love as the Christ—“the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 332). When we feel this influence, “ever present in human consciousness” (Science and Health, p. xi), we find ourselves naturally acting like the spiritual expression of Love we are. Where previously we might have felt too anxious to do or say something, we are suddenly impelled to act with a divine conviction, without analyzing or overthinking. And the result is healing. 

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December 5, 2022

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