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If we want to experience the undivided harmony of God’s ever-present kingdom, we have to play our part. We must be willing to submit to God’s will instead of insisting on our own. 
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Rein in willful insistence

I continue to practice obedience to the persuasions of the divine Mind, God, including listening, pausing, reflecting, and comforting. By doing so, I have found a definite lessening of willful impulse.
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The Golden Rule for living

Reflecting God, divine Mind, we cannot resist treating other people as they would want to be treated. We effortlessly and willingly do so. 
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Finally, dear friends . . .

Enjoy this week’s poetic offering.
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It’s already done

In the universe of eternal Mind, every useful idea is already conceived and complete. We are simply witnesses to the unfoldment of that idea in all its orderly detail.
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Hi! My Name is Dahlia, and I’m seven years old.
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Testimony of Healing
I knew that, regardless of matter-based perceptions of life and death, I am always with God, always spiritual, and therefore, always alive. 
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Testimony of Healing
One summer, our family rented a house by the ocean.
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Testimony of Healing

Walking freely after foot injury

I felt that an adjustment had taken place in my foot.
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Bible Lens

Probation After Death

After his resurrection, Jesus was seen multiple times over a forty-day period.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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