You have a choice

Sometimes we might feel as if we’re caught between a rock and a hard place, and that we have no choice but to engage in something that appears devastating or hopeless, or that makes us feel helpless. My study of Christian Science has shown me that God is absolutely All. He is a powerful, loving God because He is Love. He cares for His universe, including me, and would never put any of us in harm’s way. We are all brothers and sisters, equally loved and cared for by our Father-Mother God.

I have proved many times that no matter where I am, or what might be going on around me, God is an ever-present help in all trouble. I have learned not to be afraid and to trust God with all my heart.

The Bible has many examples of this. Take the widow of Zarephath to whom God sends Elijah to sustain him through a drought (see I Kings 17:8–16). When he arrives, he asks her for a little water and a morsel of bread. She tells him she only has a little oil and a small amount of meal to make enough for her son and for herself to eat and then die. She feels her only choice is to die. She has a limited sense of God’s provision, and His constant, loving care for her and for her son. But Elijah tells her not to be afraid, and he asks her to make a cake for him first, and then for herself and for her son. Elijah tells her the Lord has said that this will sustain them all until the drought is over.

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Brought back to the truth
April 25, 2016

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