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Goodbye self-righteousness, hello forgiveness
After I became a Christian Scientist, I was often critical of things and people around me. I stood on a self-righteous, lofty perch, thinking that my understanding of Christian Science had privileged me to be able to see deeply into the heart of things, and to discern the source of problems—with government, my community, my church, close relatives, and more.
Self-righteousness kept me from praying to resolve and heal the problems I saw. And so, without even realizing it, I continued to both unconsciously and consciously look for the “bad” in others. In fact, I accumulated a substantial list of people whom I judged. It completely eluded me that my motive for criticizing others was to make them appear small or unworthy in order that I might make myself look better by comparison.
I didn’t know it, but I had two distinct views of creation: On the “mortal” side, I placed those whom I saw as immoral and imperfect. And on the “spiritual” side, I placed God and those precious few whom I considered morally upright.
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January 13, 2014 &
January 20, 2014
double issue
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Sheila Muters, Rick Dearborn, Sharon Caligiuri
Goodbye self-righteousness, hello forgiveness
David Fowler
No dis-appointment
Andrew Wilson
Adventure healing
Kim C. Korinek
How long will this take?
Michelle Nanouche
Amazing phrasing
Grace H. Carter
Timeless Life
Madelon Maupin
Sincere seeking—and finding
Nancy Fischer
To mark or not to mark . . .
Sentinel staff
Standing out or 'shining'?
Hannah Hathaway
Dislocated shoulder healed
Allison D. Eggers
Relieved of back pain on cruise
Barbara Corbett
Jealousy resolved, toothache healed
Jenny Sawyer
Helping our children grow
The Editors