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Facing the fear of SARS
The Christian Science Monitor
The nightly newscast said that fear was spreading faster than the disease itself. Government and health officials all over the world are warning about SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and offering advice on how to fight it. "For SARS, fear is the central pathogen ..." said Marc Siegel, associate professor of medicine at New York University (The Boston Globe, Apr. 5).
This echoes what I've been learning about the importance of getting rid of fear in my own life when facing physical ailments, no matter how large or small they may be. Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science, wrote: "The cause of all so-called disease is mental, a mortal fear, a mistaken belief or conviction of the necessity and power of ill-health ..." (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 377).
I'm learning that eradicating fear is central to preventing or destroying disease. And I find that one way of getting rid of fear is to draw closer to God, Love, and admit that Love is always caring for me, protecting me.
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May 19, 2003 issue
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'I just wanted to learn'
Warren Bolon
with contributions from Carol B. Reagan, Jewel Gates, John M. Detch, Cheryl Phillips, Helen Berdelman, Linda Andrei
items of interest
with contributions from Barb Galbincea, Martha Sawyer Allen, Stephanie K. Taylor
The Wide Sweep of Spiritual healing
By William E. Moody
A course in healing
with contributions from Esther Masilela, Glenn Kubik, Diane Fabrizio, Marc Harmon, Ana Paula Carrubba, Dave Casanave, Tamie Kanata, Ricky Porter
Trust in God breaks fear and fever
By Lisa Taylor
Breakfast with Tom
By Warren Bolon Senior Writer
Prayers for peace
with contributions from Anthony D. T. Thomas, Harriet Schupp, Charles N. Filbert, Jacki-Ann Harmon, David A. Cornell, Marie Helm
Facing the fear of SARS
By Alexis Deacon
Beauty is a thing of vision
By Chris Rankin
Facial lump dissolved through prayer
C. Edward Langton
Quick healing of flu symptoms
R. Sudjono S. Juwono
Prayer brings healing of strep throat
Susan A. Williams