Safe, wherever

"'God is everywhere. His protection is as close as one's consciousness.'"

Though Statistics Say crime is down, fear for personal safety is up. Elaborate alarm systems can be purchased for homes. Parking garages sometimes offer escorts to take you safely to your car. Some young children are taught to be wary of strangers. Periods of extreme heat or cold bring warnings, especially for older people living alone. In short, personal security is a major concern for many.

What can someone do to improve safety? Many of the warnings issued by public safety experts are worth considering. And, certainly, if we know of someone who may need help, we should keep watch. But no individual holds the key to our safety. God is a more dependable protector than any system ever devised by mankind.

One of the Bible's central messages is that those who bring their lives into harmony with God are embraced in His saving love. That was and is the experience of a friend, a young woman, who works as a reporter. When she worked full time, she often went on assignments at night in areas where crime rates were high. One night, a photographer friend observed, "You come and go out of here just like it was the middle of the day." My friend says she never felt she was in danger. She explains, "I just clung to the idea of God's presence. I prayed to realize that He was constantly with me and everyone. I consciously listened for His direction. The rough neighborhoods, even at night, didn't bother me. I didn't pay attention to statistics.

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November 1, 1999

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