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Rewards from an honest look within
Probably all of us could find elements of character in ourselves that we would like to see improved. How does that fact jibe with the statement in the Bible that God made man in His own image, "very good"? (see Gen. 1:26–31).
Christian Science points out that man's likeness to God is our true, spiritual nature. Whatever appears as a sick or sinful, material mortal is obviously not that likeness. Therefore it is a mistaken view of the man God made and must be laid aside, or outgrown, as we awake to our true selfhood.
Such growth is not accomplished at a single leap! It is attained through the baptism of step-by-step spiritual purification. It comes through daily, continual efforts to be good and righteous, to follow the example of Christ Jesus, the epitome of purity and godliness in human history. Sometimes it is hard to admit one is wrong, even when one's sins cause him suffering. But once that admission is made, much of the battle is won. The rest may take time and effort, but it becomes a natural, clear course to the finish.
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October 24, 1994 issue
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Realizing your full potential
Paulette Blass
Rewards from an honest look within
Ralph W. Emerson
Finding time by finding peace
Suzanne B. Soule
Don't gamble with your integrity
Harriet Barry Schupp
No other gods
Allison H. DeMarkles
Bethesda revisited
Joanne Forman Otto
My little adventure
Deborah D. Totterdale
Murder prevention and the Sixth Commandment
Barbara M. Vining
From a very young age I resisted many of the attitudes prevalent...
Ada Maria M. Barrionuevo
I was called to active duty in the Army in March 1943, during...
Russell E. Wright
One day when I was waiting for the bus my eye started to...
Lindsey Clifford with contributions from Janell C. Clifford