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For having had the joy of attending a Christian Science Sunday School,...
For having had the joy of attending a Christian Science Sunday School, and for the many demonstrations accomplished by application of the truths learned in my early childhood I shall always be grateful. Some of the healings have been accomplished very quickly through my own understanding and others with the help of family members or Christian Science practitioners. The following healings show the overcoming of lack—lack of home, lack of health, and lack of income.
My husband and I had been praying for an improved standard of employment, and this led him to take a position in another city. The new position necessitated our selling one house and finding another. We had prayed faithfully concerning this entire move. A realtor, to whom we had first given exclusive selling rights, did nothing. He released us from the contract after six weeks in which no one came to see the house to purchase it.
The following weekend a neighbor I didn't know came with flags and explained how I might hold an open house showing. I put the flags on the lawn and all day these words of Hymn No. 82 in the Christian Science Hymnal kept coming to me: "God is working His purpose out." At the end of the afternoon, as I started to gather the flags together to return them, a car stopped and a man and his family asked if they might see the house. He explained he had seen this house during the building stages. They walked through saying nothing, until he asked if I had a typewriter and he proceeded to dictate the terms. The price was exactly what we had originally set.
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October 2, 1976 issue
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Spiritual Demand and Supply
Louise S. Darcy
Good Shall Survive, Regardless!
The Right Kind of Sympathy
Let's Add to the Bouquet
Age Is No Alibi
A Place of Understanding
Overcoming the False Sense of Self
James Floyd Huston
Right Where I Am
Mary Loraine Schmidt
Fostering Proper Development
Geoffrey J. Barratt
You Have a Question...
Naomi Price
When I was born, my mother was told that, since the birth...
Marta Lilián Gómez de Sureda with contributions from Blanca Rosa Aleandro de Gómez, Jessica Clausnitzer
As a youngster I recall, before my family was introduced to...
Kenneth Everett Cocks with contributions from Claire L. Bull
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine...
Clarice D. Daugherty