of unmistakable glimpses of the Science of being, the perception of an actual existence here and now of that which is nonexistent to mere bodily sense, Christian Scientists are Christian Scientists.
habitual reader of the literature of Christian Science or the regular attendant on its services hears the omnipotence and the immanence of God so constantly reiterated and becomes so thoroughly familiar with the teaching, whether he puts the clear understanding of it into practice at all times or not, that he may sometimes forget that the vast majority of people in the world know little or nothing of a God who is Love, a God who, as the psalmist says, "forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.
many of us the Bible was a sealed book before it was read in conjunction with the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, but to-day thousands are able to share in the treasure which has been waiting to be given to the world for generations.
About sixteen years ago, after a search of several years for a satisfactory explanation of life and a way of solving its apparently many inharmonious conditions, I had become confronted with problems which I knew would require more than human means to solve.
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for through the understanding of this truth I have experienced many beautiful healings, some of them being the healing of sorrow, of burns, and of the results of accidents.
My first visit to a Christian Science practitioner's office resulted in an instantaneous healing of tuberculosis, testimony of which has been previously given in The Christian Science Journal.
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