wide the closed portal!Loose the imprisoned thought;Let hope on wing immortalFly forth to seek a havenAs dove of old once sought—To seek a glorious haven,With heavenly blessings fraught.
all the benefits to be gained through the study of Christian Science, that which is of greatest value to humanity is without doubt the ability to reason in accord with divine Principle.
Father, piloting meThrough the waves of the boisterous sea,Proving always,Thy power to show,Though we pass through the waters,They cannot o'erflow;
Some time ago I found myself, according to the human sense of things, a total and abject failure in a business way, and pretty much so in a physical way.
It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony to express my appreciation for the great benefits which I have found in Christian Science, and especially during my service overseas, when it taught me the omnipresence of God as my only defense against the dangers which tried to beset us.
It would be very ungrateful of me to wait any longer to give my testimony for the many blessings that have come to me and my family through the knowledge of Christian Science.
About seven years ago, very shortly before a child was born I was suffering from a form of kidney disease called dangerous, accompanied by vomiting of an unusual type.
One of the greatest blessings that has come to me through Christian Science, among an innumerable host of them, including many physical healings, has been the understanding that God's will is good and that only good can come to us from God,—that afflictions are neither sent nor permitted by Him and have no existence beyond false sense testimony.
It is a wonderful thing after years of weakness, unrest, and struggle to find that God takes "no pleasure in the death of him that dieth," that it is not God who makes our hearts sad, and that we need never struggle in vain for health, joy, or prosperity.
Having never sent in my testimony of healing through Christian Science I feel I should, as it may be the means of helping some one, as I am benefited by the testimonies of others.
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