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Trusting that it may help another, and with thanksgiving,...
Trusting that it may help another, and with thanksgiving, I write my first experience in healing through Christian Science. I was reading Science and Health, and although I did not then understand it God seemed more real to me. My first visit to a Christian Science practitioner was a brief one, but I came away with one clear impression, that if I were in trouble Christian Science could help me. I told my husband of the visit and how strongly I was impressed. Suddenly one afternoon a few weeks later I was seized with very great pain, the worst I have ever experienced. Though various remedies were tried they gave but little relief, and a doctor who was called in that evening said I had appendicitis. Arrangements were made at once for my removal to a private hospital near by, to be ready for an operation in the early morning. When in the depths of fear and anxiety, I remembered the Christian Science practitioner, and asked my husband, as he was leaving the hospital, to ring her up and ask for help as soon as he reached home, which he did. Within an hour I was free from pain, and was so normal before morning that the operation did not take place. In a day or two I was home again and have had no return of the trouble. This healing took place over six years ago. It was wonderful to me, but the great sense of peace and rest that came to me was more wonderful.
Later I was greatly helped when a baby was expected. The doctor gave me no hope that I could carry it even for the first three months. One night when it seemed all he said was true, and I was trembling with fear, the sweet message came: "Perfect love casteth out fear." It brought peace and healing and, with help from a practitioner, in a few weeks I was busy doing house and home duties again with very little assistance. At the right time a little girl was born, the birth being very quick, natural and without any pain. As I look back I feel I have received blessings far beyond my understanding, and such a message as the above stands out as a beacon light.
My husband enlisted and was away for the last two years of the war. During this time supply was demonstrated and various difficulties were met with loving help. I am very grateful for all the help that has been so generously given and feel deep gratitude and reverence to Mrs. Eddy for her great life work, and for the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
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December 18, 1920 issue
View Issue-
What Is a Christian?
Christian Science as an Asset
The Festival of the Morning Star
Knowing Good Only
The New Heaven
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
Frederick Dixon
"He that hateth gifts"
Gustavus S. Paine
It would be impossible for me to tell of all the blessings...
M. Pfister-Matthey-Doret
Before I knew of the teachings of Christian Science my...
Edith M. Prettejohn with contributions from Arthur Robert Prettejohn
Words cannot express my gratitude for Christian Science
A. L. Williams
I have so much to thank Christian Science for that I am...
Sophie Newmark
In thinking over the many blessings received through...
Anna S. Rogers
For some time I have wanted to send in a testimony to...
Ida M. Tibbetts
Trusting that it may help another, and with thanksgiving,...
Beatrice V. Perry
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. F. Adeney, Albert Parker Fitch, Frederick Maurice, John Merle Coulter, Deets Pickett