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The healing of Christian Science has absolutely nothing in...
Ossett (Yorkshine, England) Observer
The healing of Christian Science has absolutely nothing in common with either magic or what is commonly termed faith-healing, which is often blind human belief. Christian Science healing is accomplished through understanding the invariable actual law of God, and is based wholly on a scientific and spiritual premise. Jesus described this process as knowing the truth, and no other way of salvation but this knowing of the truth can ever save mankind permanently from either its sins or its sicknesses.
The gospel of Christian Science teaches clearly that sin and sickness are both effects of the carnal mind, and can be dealt with properly only through an understanding of the divine Mind, or that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus." Thus Christian Science shows that mere human belief in any agency can never free mankind from its sins and sicknesses, since this very belief is of the same origin as sin and sickness; but when we turn from the mortal mind with its many beliefs, we find surcease from its woes in the understanding of the divine Mind, or true being.
Today it is true that medical systems which have failed to heal humanity of its sicknesses, and a theology which has failed to heal mankind of their sins, are both seeking aid in the supposed activities of the human mind termed suggestion and faith-healing. But neither of these has any connection whatever with the law of the divine Mind as taught in Christian Science, revealing God and His Christ to men, and which alone can heal and redeem them. Any one who will take the trouble to study the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, will see clearly the difference between Christian Science healing power, which operates through the understanding that God is the only Mind, and this wrongly termed "spiritual healing" which is the result of blind faith.
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October 31, 1914 issue
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Practical Idealism
"Ye have done it unto me"
Unity with God
Seeking and Finding
One's Own Business
In the Concord Evening Monitor, recently, was an editorial...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The time when religious convictions and beliefs were taken...
Paul Stark Seeley
The one thing lacking in the sermon reported in the...
Richards Woolfenden
In a recent issue of the Times, Roger S. Tracy says he...
Robert S. Ross
Through the columns of your paper I would like to correct...
Thomas F. Watson
Rossiter W. Raymond
"I seek not mine own will"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
True Possession
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Julia B. Scott, T. E. Potterten, Talmage Jay Bast
While returning from my work one night, I fell from a...
Henry Trousdell with contributions from Mabel Nelson
I would like to give evidence of my gratitude to Christian Science...
Auguste Könnecker
From my earliest childhood up to the time I was healed...
Clara Louise Krohn
In gratitude to God as the great Physician I should like to...
Ardie Houk with contributions from Laura Houk
My gratitude for Christian Science is unbounded
Maude L. Hart
When a child, I suffered a very bad attack of a throat...
Walter F. Petzhold
It is with a grateful heart that I herewith tell of the blessings...
Rebekka Schweitzer
"Were there not ten cleansed?" These words of Jesus,...
Addie B. Little
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles E. Craik