long centuries natural scientists have sought a solution of the mystery of growth as manifested in nature; but it was not to be found by material seeking.
In the Concord Evening Monitor, recently, was an editorial entitled "Rational Christian Science—the Cole Case," that contained several points on which I trust you will permit me to publish a brief comment.
In a recent issue, under the heading of "The Church and Faith-healing," there is a reference to Christian Science to which I am going to ask you to let me take exception.
The time when religious convictions and beliefs were taken second hand from the pulpit and platform is rapidly giving way to an age in which the individual is seeking at first hand for the truth about God.
The healing of Christian Science has absolutely nothing in common with either magic or what is commonly termed faith-healing, which is often blind human belief.
Through the columns of your paper I would like to correct an item that appeared in The Signs of the Times, two recent copies of which contained articles which refer to "the sophistries and delusions taught and fostered through Christian Science.
the criticisms of Christian Science which appear from time to time, is the claim that followers of this faith are narrow and bigoted, because they do not embody in their doctrine the views of others who have thought and written upon lines which the critics believe to be similar to Christian Science.
the book of Job the heights and depths of human experience are many times touched with a pathos which shows that the vital questions of life have been the same in every age.
whilom city farmer was made glad, and withal very thoughtful, as he looked out through the trees to the glowing sunset and listened for the approaching stillness of the night.
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Julia B. Scott, T. E. Potterten, Talmage Jay Bast
A lecture on Christian Science was given in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, by Bliss Knapp, a member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church.
I feel it a duty as well as a great pleasure to add my testimony to state what Christian Science has done for me, although words are inadequate to express all I feel.
When a child, I suffered a very bad attack of a throat disease, and for the next fifteen years its effects remained, although I tried almost every known means in materia medica, even submitting to several operations.
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