had almost continuous consciousness of health during seven years of Christian Science experience, and therefore so few demonstrations over physical errors to give, and yet desiring to add my mite to the support of our periodicals, it has become clear that the expression of an awakened and regenerated thought, is a contribution; also that as it is not difficult for a plant, nourished by the sun and dews of heaven, to bud, expand its blossoms, and throw open its heart laden with fragrance to a waiting world; so the Christian Scientist, nourished by his daily food of truth, should find no difficulty in giving to a waiting world the results of daily growth, fragrant with the perfume of Love.
As one who has been greatly helped lately by learning the lesson of obedience in Christian Science I would like to relate somewhat of my experience, in the hope that it may aid others even as I have been aided.
world has had, in this age, a message,—a message which adds nothing to the Christianity of Christ, takes nothing from it, but one which so interprets the life–work of the Master that to the Christianity of the people an immeasurable degree of the knowledge of God is added and a weight of doubt and fear and misery is taken away.
Per captia taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
with contributions from Eds, Ward R. Clarke, William P. McKenzie, Everand A. Hayes, Robert I. Hunt, F. M. Burrows, Lady Ashbourne, Mrs. Eddy
Special interest attaches to the following report of the first lecture on Christian Science ever delivered in Ireland, and of the lecture in London, Eng.
this issue of the Sentinel will have reached all our readers, thousands of Christian Scientists will be assembled in Boston for the Communion in the Mother Church and for the Annual Meeting.
the sunset hour of his long earthly day, and as a climax to the earnest reminders, instructions, and appeals with which he had sought to prepare the people for future temptations and struggles, Moses uttered those memorable words of cheer which have been an inspiration and encouragement to fainting hearts through all the centuries: "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid:.
tickets will be good June 28 to July 2 inclusive for return passage when stamped and vised, prior to July 2, at Station Ticket Offices of terminal lines; tickets reading by Boston & Maine R.
The opening services of the Christian Science Society of Dover and Foxcroft were held Sunday morning, April 26, in their new hall on North Street, Foxcroft, and were attended by local members, their friends, and visiting Scientists from out of town.
The following is an extract from a letter written to me by a mother whose child up to the age of nine had never walked, and could neither stand, nor use her legs to creep like other children until healed through Christian Science:—
About ten years ago, I heard of Christian Science through a friend, who told me that a new church had been organized here under the name of Christian Science; and it was said that this healed the sick.
As I read the first article in the January Journal, my heart was filled with gratitude to God, and to the writer, for the light and help it brought to me.
After reading the article, "Take up the cross," in the Sentinel for the second time, I said, "How glad I am to see that in print," for I had met just the experiences referred to as I entered the path that regenerates and makes us anew.
I have felt for a long time that I owed the Sentinel and Journal something, but thought I had no demonstration to give, as I did not come into Science for the physical healing.
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