It is reported that Postmaster General Smith will shortly issue an order requiring a stricter enforcement of the postal laws regarding second class mail matter.
the hospitable people of Concord experienced the truth of the statement that "it is more blessed to give than to receive," theirs must have been a happy state of mind on the days of the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth of June.
"Now that every postman in the United States and all the rural free-delivery carriers are limited walking postoffices for the additional purpose of registering mail matter, I will give you a point or two of value about this, one of the most important offshoots of the people's branch of the government which are imperfectly understood, and in some communities not understood at all," said a postoffice official.
following interview took place on Monday, June 24, 1901, between Lord Dunmore and a reporter of the Boston Globe who had been cabled to interview the Earl on behalf of the London Daily Mail and to cable five hundred words of the interview to the Daily Mail.
August, 1899, there was one copy each of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and "Miscellaneous Writings" in the library of the Illinois State Penitentiary located at Joliet, Ill.
grand privilege of the Christian Scientist is the understanding that Spirit ever demonstrates its allness, and that matter ever demonstrates its nothingness through the false claim to the spiritual.
In 1888 Christian Science found me an invalid suffering from nervous prostration and ulcerated stomach and bowels, brought on partly by strong medicine, and partly by worry and trouble.
On the night of the twentieth of July, 1898, returning home from a Wednesday evening meeting, as I started to get off the car, which slowed up and then started with a sudden jerk, my foot caught in my dress, and I was thrown about four feet from the car.
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