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Miracle in India in Modern Time
Denver Republican
The day of miracles is not ended—in India at least. A good old-fashioned marvel, strictly contradictory to the laws of nature as we know them, is reported from Benares. If Mrs. Besant, beholder of things invisible, were the chief witness, some might question whether more was not seen than met the normally constituted eye; but the whole performance was viewed at close range by a large party of English folk. They were presumably quite sane, for a physician, a lawyer, and a scientist were included, and a detailed description which has been extensively copied appeared in that eminently respectable periodical, the Lahore Civil and Military Gazette. So, sceptic, hold your peace.
The occasion, from the native viewpoint, was religious, but the preparations were like those for a barbecue. A trench fifteen feet long by four wide was prepared near Tagore villa. This was filled with logs and fagots, which were fired and allowed to burn all day. By evening the mass had become a deep bed of glowing coals which kept spectators at a distance and seemed hot enough to roast any sort of meat in short order. And meat was to be given it—live human flesh.
The visitors were provided with chairs and stationed on a mound of earth about eight feet from this blooming bed of "the red flower," as Kipling calls it. The searing heat would permit them to approach no nearer.
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July 27, 1899 issue
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To the Field
Septimus J. Hanna
Christian Science
with contributions from Chris. S. Ritter, J. M. Booker, J. W. Saunders, W. J. Stansfield
Letters in the Boston Traveler
with contributions from Thos. Townsend, Henry D. Nunn
The Lectures
with contributions from William R. Rathvon
From Other Standpoints
with contributions from A. S. Wheeler, Hyde
Metaphysics: the New Cult
Questions and Answers
with contributions from F. M. Bristol
An Allegory
For What it is Worth
Joseph Baker
Grateful for the Lesson Sermons
with contributions from Annie Lane, J. F. M.