First and last Christian Science is strictly Scriptural; it...

Sault Ste. Marie (Mich) News

First and last Christian Science is strictly Scriptural; it is founded on the Bible from cover to cover, and its purpose, like that of the Bible, is to educate mankind into the fuller understanding of God and His creation, that the commands of the Master may be emulated today as they were for some centuries after the time of Jesus. The healing of the sick, the casting out of sin, and the overcoming of all human inharmonies, such as unhappiness, poverty, sorrow, and the like, were the fruits of spiritual understanding evidenced by the demonstrations of the early Christians; and these same proofs of spiritual understanding would have remained for all time had it not been for the demoralizing influence of sin, materiality, and creedal teachings which gradually crept into the church and usurped the place of spiritual understanding and demonstration.

Christian Science is the restoration of the pure teachings of the Bible and of the Master, whereby the works of Jesus are today being repeated to the comfort and happiness of a might throng of devout worshipers of the Christ. It not only relies implicitly on the Bible for its authority, but it goes farther and declares that we should not only believe the Bible, but also prove it to be true by doing the works which we are told many times therein would bear evidence of our understanding of its spiritual import and purpose. There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus, or of the entire Bible for that matter, which makes it obligatory for the followers of Christ to preach the gospel and not heal the sick and the sinning. The command to heal the sick as Jesus did is just as imperative as the command to preach the gospel; and if one's lack of understanding precludes him from performing those works which Jesus did, that should in no wise give license for vituperative and unseemly antagonism toward those who have accepted the whole gospel of the Christ instead of merely a part of it—and the least part at that.

No teaching since the time of Jesus has honored and enthroned the almighty God as has Christian Science, which teaches that God is omnipotent and omnipresent, and that through a proper understanding of Him man is enabled to do the many works that Jesus said he should do. Perfect God, and perfect man as the child of God, is the foundation upon which Christian Science teachings are based; and with this basis of perfection always before them Christian Scientists are today repeating many of the works of the Master. There is no known disease which Christian Science has not successfully overcome and healed; and while spiritual understanding and individual purity are the goals toward which Christian Scientists are daily striving, yet they rejoice in an ever increasing army of healthy, happy, and hopeful folk in all parts of the world as evidence of the truth of Christian Science teachings.

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August 25, 1917

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