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The Scriptures in Christian Science
Originally published in the January 1, 1891 issue of the Christian Science Series (Vol. 2, No. 17)
As adherents of Truth we take the Scriptures for our guide to life. —1st Tenet, Church of Christ (Scientists).
Man finds himself conscious of existence in the “life that now is,” but with no possible solution of the mystery of coming into it, or of being beyond it, from any source of intelligence in or of himself. He has been taught to depend on the five senses for light, only to find this testimony at fault when most needed. He must even depend on other evidence to know his own parentage. Believing himself a free agent, he finds his liberty restricted on every hand by relentless laws that he can neither comply with nor evade. Back of all this is a more or less clear perception of another consciousness, apart from the material world, called the spiritual,—an ever-present desire for something better than “this life” presents, coupled with a sense of perversity that is forever leading him wrong. Sooner or later, he learns that he must look outside himself for a guide of life.
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