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Sentinel Radio Edition
May 15, 2004
Character building—with spiritual values and Love - Program 420
Guests: Rev. Wendell Emerson, David Stevens, Herb Webb, Richard Grove, Kate Bailey
Today’s world can seem to be a pretty tough place to grow up in, especially if you don’t have the love and support of family and friends. When a young person seems troubled and unreachable, what can we do to find and cultivate the good that’s there? Hear guests talk about character building with spiritual values for young people.
Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.
Sentinel Radio Edition
The Love that transforms lives - Program 410
Sentinel Radio Edition
Weighed down by opinions? Time for a higher viewpoint - Program 411
Sentinel Radio Edition
Decision-making, with help from that "still, small voice" - Program 412
Sentinel Radio Edition
Thinking about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus - Program 413
Sentinel Radio Edition
Rewarding work: it's more than a paycheck - Program 414
Sentinel Radio Edition
Easter's message of resurrection—for everyone - Program 415
Sentinel Radio Edition
When both sides benefit—triumphing in business struggles - Program 416
Sentinel Radio Edition
Always thinking about your body? - Program 417
Sentinel Radio Edition
Spiritual lessons from the splendor of nature - Program 418
Sentinel Radio Edition
Counteracting terrorism: what each of us can do to help - Program 419
Sentinel Radio Edition
Be who you really are—free from disease or limitation - Program 421
Sentinel Radio Edition
Resolving conflict God's way - Program 422
Sentinel Radio Edition
Spiritual healing and how it's possible - Program 423
Sentinel Radio Edition
Better lives with age-defying thoughts from God - Program 424
Sentinel Radio Edition
Closer to God than you ever imagined - Program 425
Sentinel Radio Edition
Spiritual healing: why you don't just have to live with physical problems - Program 426
Sentinel Radio Edition
Spiritual healing: Are you paying close attention to the body, or to God? - Program 427
Sentinel Radio Edition
The richness in a life of giving - Program 428
Sentinel Radio Edition
No problem is too big for God - Program 429
Sentinel Radio Edition
A whole new view of yourself—and the healing it brings - Program 430